Author Guidelines
Please ensure that your manuscript is properly structured and in accordance with the Author Guidelines. For the publication of one accepted article, Arborescent Journal charges Free Publication Fee; there is no fee for submitting an article; the publication fee is paid after the article is officially accepted.
Arborescent Journal
This journal publishes research articles or review articles related to Fisheries Science must be original and not being considered for publication elsewhere. Authors must carefully consider the list and order of authors and ensure that the publication is approved by all authors. Authors are expected to ensure that all author names are written accurately. Author affiliation is the address where the work was actually carried out. The corresponding author is the author who will be responsible for correspondence at all stages of publication, therefore please ensure that the corresponding author has a clear address, email address. To submit an article, please login to our online submission system and follow the submission steps. For technical support on submission, please contact us.
General provisions
The manuscript is written in a single column format using Bookman Old Style. Language. Each manuscript is written in Indonesian
Number of pages. The maximum number of pages allowed for each article is 25 printed journal pages (including figures, tables and bibliography).
Review process. Review is an important factor to ensure that articles have high quality based on objectivity and the level of quality of the article. Each article will be reviewed by at least 1 reviewer and the editorial board.
Appropriateness process. Based on the reviewer's assessment, the editorial board will make a final decision whether the manuscript is worthy of publication or rejected.
This article is arranged in the following order:
The title must be concise and informative and the first letter of each word is capitalized and centered. Font size 14 pts
Write the author's name and institution right after the article title. For example:
First Author1, Second Author2
1First Author's Institution,
2Second Author's Institution.
Correspondence: Corresponding author's address followed by email address: Font size 10 pts
The abstract must be written in Indonesian and English (maximum 250 words). Contains a brief summary of the article including the research objectives, main methodology, results and conclusions. Please avoid using non-standard or uncommon abbreviations. Font size 10 pts
A maximum of 5 keywords must be written alphabetically and provided in English and Indonesian. Font size 10 pts
This section contains the background and objectives of the study. Using the latest references. Font size 11 pts.
This section presents a clear and concise research procedure that allows the work to be easily followed by other researchers. Previously published methods must be summarized and indicated with references, any modifications must also be explained. Font size 11 pts.
The results are not separate from the discussion. The results must be presented clearly and in detail. The statement of results can be based on the methods that have been carried out or presented in the form of text, tables, and figures. This section should explore the significance of the results and/or comparisons with previous research, including the uniqueness of the research. Font size 11 pts.
This section should present the conclusions of the research in a concise, concise and clear manner. Font size 11 pts.
This section is used to express gratitude to institutions or individuals who provide funding sources or assistance during the research. Font size 11 pts.
References must contain a list of references cited in the manuscript arranged alphabetically based on the last name of the first author. If there are two or more publications by the same author in the same year, add a letter to the year of publication to distinguish each reference. example: (Alimuddin et al., 2009a, Ekasari & Wiyoto 2010a). The bibliography is written in APA style and uses mendelay. Please note that it is not recommended to use any references from personal blogs. Font size 11 pts.
Journal Article
Laheng, S., Darmawati, Aliyas, Putri, D. U., Putri, I. W., & Adli, A. (2023). Extension of Fishery Commodity Potential in Tolitoli Regency in Cultivating Entrepreneurial Spirit of Students of SMA Negeri 2 Tolitoli. Cendekia Mengabdi Jurnal Berinovasi Dan Berkarya, 1(1), 1–5.
Author, G.H, Author, I.J. 2010. Book Title 3rd Edition. Place of Publication: Publisher Name. Example: [FAO]. 2010. The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2010. Rome, Italy: FAO.
Monographs and Reports: Jørgensen, S.E., Bendoricchio, G., 2001. Fundamentals of Ecological Modelling. Elsevier Amsterdam, London.
AOAC, 2000. Official Methods of Analysis, 15th ed. Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Washington DC.
ADB (Asian Development Bank), 2004. An Evaluation of Small-scale Freshwater Rural Aquaculture Development for Poverty Reduction. Operations Evaluation Department, Manila, Philippines.
Vemuri, M., Kelley, D.S., 2008. The effects of dietary fatty acids on lipid metabolism, In: Chow, C.K. (Ed.), Fatty Acids in Foods and Their Health Implications, Third edition. CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Florida, pp. 591–630.
Proceedings: Fagbenro, O.A., 2004. Predator control of overpopulation in cultured tilapias and the alternative uses for stunted tilapias in Nigeria. Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Tilapia Aquaculture (VI ISTA). Manila, Philippines, pp. 634–647 Thesis: Jiang, S.H., 2011. Study on Growth, Body Color and Biochemical Composition of Body Wall of Red Sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus). PhD Dissertation of Ocean University of China, China (in Chinese with English abstract).
Website: IRIN, 2011. Bangladesh: Indigenous Group Face Land-grabbing in North. IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis. ( (accessed 4 October 2012)).
Mainuddin, K., Rahman, A., Islam, N., Quasem, S., 2011. Planning and Costing Agriculture's Adaptation to Climate Change in the Salinity-prone Cropping System of Bangladesh International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), London, UK ( (accessed 20 January 2013) ).
Table titles should be numbered sequentially. Please provide an editable table format and not a figure. If possible, present data in the form of standard deviations or standard errors. All abbreviations and symbols should be explained in footnotes. Use a font size 10 pts for table title and contents.
Each figure should have a brief, informative caption and an explanation of all symbols and abbreviations used in the figure. Please use 10-point font size for figure captions. If possible, please provide statistical measures (standard deviation or standard error) on the chart or If the chart or graph was created using a Microsoft Office application, please provide the image in its original document format.