The Correlation Between Metacognitive Strategy And Listening Comprehension Of Seventh Semester Students At Madako University
Correlation, metacognitive strategy, listening comprehensionAbstract
The aimed of this study is to determine the significant of relationship between metacognitive strategies and listening skills. This research was a quantitative research. There were 12 students of the samples consisted from seventh semester. The data were collected using questionnaires and listening instruments from the TOEFL Test. The analysis technique used correlation study with the SPSS 19 v19 program. The results showed that sig.(2tailed in the correlation between metacognitive strategies and listening comprehension obtained 0.944> 0.05. The correlation coefficient value showed 0.113 has a very weak correlation. Thus the hypothesis proposed is the Null hypothesis (Ho) is accepted and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is rejected. It is concluded that there is no significant relationship between metacognitive strategies and listening comprehension.
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